At the leading IVF clinic in the Republic of Georgia, AtlasCARE IVF, we use the latest technology to help you achieve your dreams of parenthood.
IVF (In vitro fertilization) involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from the woman’s ovaries and letting sperm fertilize them in a liquid in a laboratory. IVF was created to overcome infertility due to fallopian tube problems in women, but it has become a suitable treatment for virtually all forms of infertility in both men and women.
Why should you choose IVF in Georgia?
The biggest advantage of IVF in Georgia is a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. Moreover, our affordable IVF programs create opportunities for individuals and couples to have advanced fertility care at a low cost.
IVF can help circumvent problems with a woman’s reproductive system such as blocked or damaged fallopian tubes. It can also help find the cause(s) of unexplained infertility.
Fertilization is achieved by injection single healthy sperm cells into the collected eggs in our sophisticated lab. This procedure is called Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and is the most effective method of fertilization applied in all IVF procedures at the AtlasCARE IVF clinic.
IVF gives parents the opportunity to test their embryos for some abnormalities before they are transferred into the uterus (womb). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) can rule out chromosomal and genetic conditions (such as Down’s syndrome and cystic fibrosis) and ensure a healthy pregnancy.
How Does IVF in Georgia Work?
IVF in Georgia facilitates fertilization, embryo development, and implantation to make pregnancy more likely to occur. The treatment is a series of consecutive procedures that take about 20 days to complete.
First, a patient undergoes fertility testing, which will help the AtlasCARE IVF doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan. Next, the patient will start taking hormone injections to help the ovaries develop and mature multiple eggs. Then the doctor will retrieve the eggs from the ovaries and fertilizes them with sperm in a specialized lab. On day three or day five after fertilization, embryos will be transferred into the woman’s uterus. Pregnancy occurs when the embryo(s) successfully implant in the uterine lining.
IVF Process Step by Step
1. IVF Consultation
During the initial fertility consultation, our IVF specialist will discuss any previous tests or treatments you have undergone. At this point, we may suggest carrying out additional tests to check your uterus and ovarian function.
2. Ovarian stimulation
After your consultation with the AtlasCARE IVF doctor, you will start taking fertility medications as prescribed in your protocol. These medications contain follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that helps your ovaries produce several eggs. The stimulation phase lasts for 12-14 days.
Developing multiple eggs increases the chance of more eggs being fertilized. Having more eggs means a better choice of embryos to use for transfer. Embryo quality is extremely important for your IVF success.
3. Trigger shot
During ovarian stimulation, you will have regular ultrasounds and blood tests to measure your hormone levels and follow the response of your ovaries to the fertility medications. When the follicles become large enough, a final hCG injection (also known as a trigger shot) will be administered to induce ovulation. hCG is a hormone that encourages the ovaries to release mature eggs.
4. Egg collection
Multiple eggs from your ovaries will be collected after 34 to 36 hours from receiving the trigger shot. Egg collection is a relatively short and simple procedure that is performed at our fertility clinic in Georgia while you are under sedation.
Using an ultrasound to visualize the ovaries, the doctor will insert a soft tube through your cervix and into the ovaries. Multiple eggs will be gently pulled out of each follicle.
5. Fertilization
In our AtlasCARE IVF lab, eggs are fertilized with sperm cells from your partner or donor using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). With this technique, single sperm cells are injected directly into the eggs to promote fertilization. After fertilization has been achieved, fertilized eggs (now called embryos) are incubated overnight and left to grow in the lab for a few days.
6. Embryo transfer
As the cells of the fertilized eggs start to divide, the embryos become larger. At this stage, their progress is monitored and embryos are graded for quality by the experienced embryologists at AtlasCARE.
Three to five days after the egg retrieval, only the best embryo(s) will be transferred to your uterus. Embryo transfer on day five after fertilization is called blastocyst transfer.
The transfer procedure is performed by inserting a thin tube through the cervix into your uterus. There, embryos are released from the pre-loaded tube with the intent to establish a pregnancy. This procedure is not painful and it takes only 15 to 20 minutes.
7. Pregnancy test
Pregnancy happens if any of the embryos implants into the uterine lining. You may be prescribed medications of a hormone called progesterone for the first 8-10 weeks after the embryo transfer. The hormone will create a favorable environment for the embryos to grow in the uterus.
How long do I need to stay in Georgia for my IVF treatment?
Your time in Georgia:
Option 1
If you want to be in Georgia from beginning to the end of your stimulation process, then you need to be in Georgia on day 2 of your menstrual period and stay for about 17-19 days depending on your egg development.
Option 2
You can start the treatment in your hometown and come to Georgia for a shorter time – approx for 10 -12 days. You need to be in Georgia on day 8 of your cycle after you start the injections.
Please Note: Male Partner can stay for only 2 days to deposit his sperm.
Which tests are required from me?
We need hormonal tests, infectious blood tests, full blood counts, blood type from the female partner.
We need infectious blood tests, sperm analysis test and blood group from the male partner.
For a more detailed list of tests, please contact our IVF Coordinator.
Can I do these tests in Georgia?
If you will be in Georgia from beginning to the end of stimulation process, then yes you can do the tests in Georgia at our clinic, but if you want to start the stimulation in your hometown, then you should perform the tests in your hometown. Test results must not be older than 6 months when you are at our clinic for your IVF treatment.
Which medication will I use, and what will be the cost?
Depending on your hormonal test results, we will determine your medication and dosage. You will be prescribed hormonal injections, vitamins, pessary etc. Once the follicles have reached the appropriate maturity, hormonal injections are given to the patient. This substance acts as an analogue of lutenizing hormone and would cause ovulation about 36 hours after the injection but the egg retrieval procedure takes place just prior to that time in order to recover the eggs from the follicles.
Folic Acid: Folic Acid can prevent major birth defects including Spina Bifida and Anencephaly.
Pessary: Contains the hormone progesterone which is essential for maintaining pregnancy. Progesterone helps prepare the uterus to receive and maintain a fertilized egg.
The cost of medication depends on the dosage of hormonal injection you will need.
Please contact our IVF coordinator to get more detailed information.
How many embryos will be transferred to me?
There is no restriction in Georgia about the number of embryos transferred. As AtlasCARE IVF, we make the decision on number depending on the quality and number of fertilized embryos. We generally recommend 2 embryos to be transferred.
When do I learn if I am pregnant or not?
12 days after the embryo transfer, you can perform beta-hCG blood test. It measures the level of hCG hormone present in a sample of your blood. HCG is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy.
What is the success rate on IVF treatment?
Success is very personal. There are many factors that can affect success of IVF treatment, such as Age, Genetics, the Number of embryos transferred, Sperm & Egg quality, Quality control in the laboratory and nature that no one has power over.